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  (1)Xuchen Cao, Yue Yu, Ying Zhao, Xiaohu Sun, Jie Ge, Bin Zhang, Xin Wang. Down-regulation of miR-129-5p via the Twist1-Snail feedback loop stimulates the epithelial-mesenchymal transition and is associated with poor prognosis in breast cancer. Oncotarget. 2015 accepted (通讯作者)

  (2)Zhang J, Wang X (co-first author), Cui W, Liu L, Li Z, Ying G, Zhang N and Li B. Visualization of caspase-3-like activity in cells using a genetically encoded fluorescent biosensor activated by protein cleavage. Nat. Commun. 2013;4:2157. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms3157.

  (3)Wang Y, Xing P, Cui W, Wang W, Cui Y, Ying G, Wang X, Li B.Acute Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Independent Unconventional Splicing of XBP1 mRNA in the Nucleus of Mammalian Cells. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2015, 16, 13302-13321(通讯作者)

  (4)Xiangmin Ma, Yunwei Han, Yu Fan, Xuchen Cao and Xin Wang*. Clinicopathological characteristics and prognosis of glycogen-rich clear cell carcinoma of the breast. The Breast Journal. 2014;20(2):166-173. (通讯作者)

  (5)Yunwei Han, Zhihao Yu, Shaoyan Wen, Bin Zhang, Xuchen Cao, Xin Wang. Prognostic value of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia in early-stage breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2012; 131:483–490. (通讯作者)

  (6)Liu J, Yu Y, Sun JY, He SS, Wang X, Yin J, Cao XC. Clinicopathologic characteristics and prognosis of primary squamous cell carcinoma of the breast. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2015 Jan;149(1):133-40.

  (7)肖盟,赵洪猛,杨正军,汤小川,曹旭晨,王欣.乳腺化生性癌的临床病理特征及预后影响因素.中国肿瘤临床2015;42(12):614-619 (通讯作者)

  (8)邢芳,肖盟,穆兰,王欣.血糖监测在乳腺癌治疗中的临床意义.中国肿瘤临床2015;42(10):513-518 (通讯作者)

  (9)穆兰,邢芳,肖盟,王欣.二甲双胍与乳腺癌关系的研究进展.中国肿瘤临床2014;41(21):1413-1415 (通讯作者)

  (10)肖盟,邢芳,穆兰,王欣.乳管镜临床诊治新进展.中国肿瘤临床2014;18:1199-1201. (通讯作者)

  (11)马祥敏,崔文静,张矫,王欣*.乳腺癌原发肿瘤与局部复发肿瘤组织中受体表达的差异及其临床意义.中华肿瘤杂志2013;35(5):372-376. (通讯作者)


  (13)崔文静,张矫,马祥敏,王雯雯,王欣*.双启动子shRNA干扰的协同效应.山东医药,2013;53(11):25-28. (通讯作者)

  (14)张矫,崔文静,马祥敏,王雯雯,王欣*. Npu DnaE高效反式剪接作用在哺乳动物细胞中的应用研究.山东医药2013;53(44):10-13. (通讯作者)

  (15)张矫,崔文静,马祥敏,王雯雯,王欣*.荧光蛋白Venus载体构建及在哺乳动物细胞中的表达.山东医药,2013;53(31):23-25. (通讯作者)

  (16)王欣刘伟韩芸蔚冯玉梅李代清.半胱氨酰白三烯受体在乳腺癌组织中的表达及意义.中国肿瘤临床2012;20: 1522-1526. (通讯作者)

  (17)张矫,崔文静,马祥敏,李代清,王欣.糖尿病与乳腺癌相关性研究进展.中华内分泌外科杂志, 2012.5:343-345. (通讯作者)

  (18)马祥敏,崔文静,张矫,王欣.老年人乳腺癌综合治疗研究进展.中华老年医学杂志2012;31(5):442-444. (通讯作者)


  (20)韩芸蔚,王欣,张斌,温绍艳,刘伟,曹旭晨。新辅助化疗诱导的粒细胞减少症对乳腺癌预后的影响.中华普通外科杂志2011;8(26):651-654. (通讯作者)



  (23)韩芸蔚,温绍艳,刘伟,王欣。乳腺癌新辅助化疗的临床评价进展.中国肿瘤临床2011;38(7):408-411. (通讯作者)

  (24)刘伟,李越,赵颖,等.乳腺癌腋窝淋巴结B超检查特异性回顾性分析.中国实用外科杂志2011;31(1):96-99. (通讯作者)

  (25)刘伟,韩芸蔚,温绍艳,等.乳腺中央型及外周型乳头状瘤癌变的外科治疗中国肿瘤临床,2011;38(10):574-577. (通讯作者)

  (26)Wang X,Zhao Y and Cao X. Clincal benefits of mastectomy on treatment of occult breast csrcinoms presenting axillary metastases. The Breast Journal 2010;16:32-37.(通讯作者)


  (28)李越,王欣,赵颖,葛洁,张斌,于治灏,宁连胜,曹旭晨.超声光散射乳腺成像诊断乳腺癌假阳性率分析.中国肿瘤临床.2010;37:704-6. (通讯作者)



  (31)李越,王欣,于治灏,赵颖,宁连胜,曹旭晨.乳腺Paget’s病的临床病理分析.中国肿瘤临床2009,36(17):980-982. (通讯作者)

  (32)李越,王欣5-FU代谢酶基因型多态性与乳腺癌化疗敏感相关性研究的进展.中华肿瘤防治杂志2009,16(15):1192-1195. (通讯作者)

  (33)闫哲,王欣. Cystatins与肿瘤发生发展关系的研究现状。中华乳腺病杂志2008;2(5):47-51.(通讯作者)

  (34)王欣,闫哲,李晓青,冯玉梅和曹旭晨。Cystatin M在乳腺癌及转移癌中的表达和临床意义。中华乳腺病杂志2008;2(3):21-25.

  (35)Wang X and Ning L. Breast carcinoma associated with Poland’s syndrome: One case report and literatures. Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology 2008;5(3): 223-225.

  (36)Wang X, Cao X and Ning L. Traumatic neuromas after mastectomy. ANS J Surg. 2007; 77:1.

  (37)王欣,宁连胜. Poland综合征合并乳腺癌1例报道及文献回顾.中国肿瘤临床2008;35(2):78-79.

  (38)Wahlbom M, Wang X, Lindström V, Carlemalm E, Jaskolski M and Grubb A. Fibrillogenic oligomers of human cystatin C are formed by propagated domain swapping. J Biol Chem. 2007;282(25):18318-26.

  (39)Wang X, Cao X and Ning L. Traumatic Neuromas in breast cancer patients after mastectomy. Chinese J of Clinical Oncology 2007;4(3):185-188.

  (40)Wang X. Presentation of Axillary Metastases from Occult Breast Carcinoma. Chinese J of Clinical Oncology 2007;4:1-5.

  (41)Selenica M, Wang X, Pedersen LO, Grubb A and Westlind-Danielsson A. Cystatin C Reduces the Formation of Soluble A1-42 Oligomers and Protofibrils. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 2007;67(2):179-90.

  (42)Ning L, Wang X, Zhao K, et al. Anatomical study of intercostobrachial never in SD rat. Chinese J of Clinical Oncology 2006;3:118-121.

  (43)Rodziewicz-Motowidio, S, Wahlbom M, Wang X, et al. Checking the conformational stability of cystatin C and its L68Q variant by molecular dynamics studies: Why is the L68Q variant amyloidogenic? Journal of Structural Biology 2006;154(1):68-78.

  (44)Nilsson M, Wang X, Rodziewicz-Motowidlo S, et al. Prevention of domain swapping inhibits dimerization and amyloid fibril formation of cystatin C - Use of engineered disulfide bridges, antibodies, and carboxymethylpapain to stabilize the monomeric form of cystatin C. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 279 (23): 24236-24245 JUN 4 2004 [共享第一作者]

  (45)Chen D, Zhao CM, Wang X, et al. Target for gene therapy of gastric cancer: Gastrin? Helicobacter pylori infection may result in gastric cancer in hypergastrinemic mice but not in gastrin-deficient mice. CANCER GENE THERAPY 11 (12): 851-851 P6 DEC 2004

  (46)Zhao CM, Wang X, Friis-Hansen L, et al. Chronic Helicobacter pylori infection results in gastric hypoacidity and hypergastrinemia in wild-type mice but vagally induced hypersecretion in gastrin-deficient mice. REGULATORY PEPTIDES 115 (3): 161-170 OCT 15 2003.

  (47)Liuba P, Pesonen E, Paakkari I, et al. Co-infection with Chlamydia pneumoniae and Helicobacter pylori results in vascular endothelial dysfunction and enhanced VCAM-1 expression in ApoE-knockout mice. JOURNAL OF VASCULAR RESEARCH 40 (2): 115-122 MAR-APR 2003.

  (48)Wang X, Willen R, Svensson M, et al. Two-year follow-up of Helicobacter pylori infection in C57BL/6 and Balb/cA mice. APMIS 111 (4): 514-522 APR 2003

  (49)Chen D, Zhao CM, Wang X, et al. Disparate effects of chronic Helicobacter pylori infection on parietal cells and ECL cells in wild-type vs gastrin-deficient mice. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER : 220-220 Suppl. 13 2002

  (50)Wang X: Helicobacter pylori infection in a mouse model: Development, optimization and inhibitory effects of antioxidants. Doctoral thesis, 2001, Department of Medical Microbiology, Dermatology and Infection, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden. (http://www.lub.lu.se/luft/diss/med558_transit.html)

  (51)Wang X, Hirmo S, Willén R, Wadström T. Inhibition of Helicobacter pylori infection by bovine milk glycoconjugates in a BALB/cA mouse model. J Med Microbiol 2001; 50: 430-435.

  (52)Wang X, Willen R, Wadstrom T: Astaxanthin-rich algal meal and vitamin C inhibit Helicobacter pylori infection in BALB/cA mice. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2000;44(9):2452-7.

  (53)Wang X, Willen R, Andersson C, Wadstrom T: Development of high-grade lymphoma in Helicobacter pylori-infected C57BL/6 miceNote. Apmis 2000;108(7-8):503-508.

  (54)Wang X, Sjunnesson H, Sturegård E, Wadström T, Willén R and Aleljung P. Dietary factors influence the recovery rates of Helicobacter pylori in a BALB/cA mouse model. B&K Science Now 2000;9:1-6.

  (55)Willen R, Carlen B, Wang X, Papadogiannakis N, Odselius R, Wadstrom T: Morphologic conversion of Helicobacter pylori from spiral to coccoid form. Scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) suggest viability. Ups J Med Sci 2000;105(1):31-40.

  (56)Bennedsen M, Wang X, Willen R, Wadstrom T, Andersen LP: Treatment of H. pylori infected mice with antioxidant astaxanthin reduces gastric inflammation, bacterial load and modulates cytokine release by splenocytes. Immunol Lett 1999;70(3):185-9.

  (57)Wang X, Sjunnesson H, Sturegard E, Wadström T, Willén R, Aleljung P: Dietary factors influence the recovery rates of Helicobacter pylori in a BALB/cA mouse model. Zentralbl Bakteriol 1998;288(2):195-205.

  (58)Wang X, Willén R, Wadström T, Aleljung P: RAPD-PCR, histopathological and serological analysis of four mouse strains infected with multiple strains of Helicobacter pylori. Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease 1998;10:148-154.

  (59)Wang X, Sturegard E, Rupar R, Nilsson HO, Aleljung PA, Carlén B, Willén R, Wadström T: Infection of BALB/c A mice by spiral and coccoid forms of Helicobacter pylori. J Med Microbiol 1997;46(8):657-63.

  (60)Aleljung P, Nilsson HO, Wang X, Nyberg P, Morner T, Warsame I, Wadström T: Gastrointestinal colonisation of BALB/cA mice by Helicobacter pylori monitored by heparin magnetic separation. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 1996;13(4):303-9.

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